State & Local Government

Graduate School USA is where government goes for training. Founded in 1921, Graduate School USA was the first organization created to provide continuing professional education to the federal community.

Over the years, we have worked closely with a range of organizations, including state and local agencies, while growing our knowledge of government and developing an extensive resource pool of staff, curriculum experts, and instructors with real government experience.

Relevant & Responsive Services

Graduate School USA can provide state and local agencies relevant, responsive services in support of both organizational and personal achievement. We create and deliver expert training and workforce development, with courses designed specifically for the adult learner. Whatever your agency needs or professional level, you’ll find that our training serves individuals across the spectrum of skills, specialties, and experience.

Courses in Graduate School USA’s Government Training program are structured to meet the workforce development and continuing education needs of government agencies, employees, and contractors. Any of these courses are available for contract and on-site training.

If your training needs require a customized approach or are larger in scope or, we can provide you with advice on the time required for each topic and the length of the overall training or help you assemble a program.

Contact our Business Development team at or 800-787-9074 for assistance with your specific needs, or read more about our customized services.

Training To Help You Achieve Your Mission

Graduate School USA’s government-focused services encompass quality courses, certificate programs, leadership development, classroom and online delivery support, career services and training center management, and individual assessments, and coaching and mentoring services. Committed to supporting our clients with practical, real-life applications that assist them in doing their jobs, we deliver the training solutions that only a valued partner with nearly one hundred years of government experience can provide.

Courses are designed to provide the knowledge and skills that agencies want and need. Our curriculum is continuously updated in response to changing laws, rules and regulations, and learning requirements. Training is interactive in nature and is intended for immediate application on the job.

A Diverse Community Of Learners

Graduate School USA sustains a diverse community of learners who value networking and sharing experiences as they develop the skills and knowledge that will help them improve agency productivity and enhance their careers.