Brown Bag Seminars: Are You Ready for Leadership?

brown bag

Whether you’re a GS 4 or a GS 15, government is always in need of people with leadership skills. Leaders at all levels bring value to their teams as they work with other dedicated professionals to help achieve agency missions and goals. What kinds of skills will serve you best, and how do you develop the knowledge and competencies you need?

Join us at lunchtime on Monday, September 19 or Monday, September 26 for a brown bag seminar hosted by representatives from our Center for Leadership and Management. Get answers to your questions about leadership development and get more information about our outstanding programs, designed for individuals at all stages of their careers.

Bring your lunch—we’ll provide drinks and dessert!

Monday, September 19 and Monday, September 26, 2016
11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Graduate School USA at Capital Gallery
Room 280
600 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20024

Find out what some of our leadership program graduates have to say:

[The program] helped me to realize my dream of excelling both academically and professionally. It prompted me to think about my future and to decide if I wanted to stay where I was or to move out of my comfort zone to new and exciting things. My life has been snowballing since graduating!
         —Keeva Scrivner, Aspiring Leader Program graduate

… the requirements for the NLP program make you look at your goals. If a student who is attending the NLP will look at the requirements and say “Okay, how can doing this help me?” then it really will help you.
         —Viola Beem, New Leader Program graduate

For me, the ELP just solidified the idea that we all have such diverse ways of leading—and we’re all leaders. You don’t have to be an extrovert to lead. You don’t have to be an absolute despot—you can lead quietly. It taught me the different angles, the different ways people lead.
         —Apryl Sanchez-Stevens, Executive Leadership Program graduate

By participating in the ELP, I was hoping to discover a new side of myself. I know life is a constant learning process but one thing I thought of when I thought of great leaders was: They’re already there. They made it. What I’ve learned is that great leaders are great learners. They’re continually learning, and what leading is all about is learning. We’re always on this journey. This experience was just a great example of what a great leader should be doing.
         —Roberta Mather, Executive Leadership Program graduate

An Executive Potential Program graduate shares his experience as a learner.

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